These items' purchasing - selling rules (later - Rules) set general use of internet site (later - Implantacademy, site) terms. Rules are applied, when Implantacademy client (later - You, Your, Client, buyer) is choosing, ordering and buying Implantacademy suggested items or is using any other Implantacademy internet site's (or in any Implantacademy department) suggested services.
1. To use internet site's ( services has a right:
1.1. active person (an adult, which activity is not limited by court;
1.2. juristic person, which are active through empowered individuals.
2. Your given identity data (name, last name, address, phone number, email) while registering in the site or while purchasing items not registered are being stored and processed guided by 2011-05-12 Lithuania's Republic Identity data's protected law Nr. I -1374.
3. Items' price and assortment, specified in the site's items catalogue, is valid only when buying these items in the site. Items' prices in the site are specified with the Tax. included (21%).
4. Electronic items catalogue is not concrete commercial offer, given items prices, quantities, looks (richness of the colour) and terms for production/supplying disorder or similar circumstances might be a little bit different.
5. Purchasing - selling alignment between You and Implantacademy is considered done after the moment you, in the site, formed items' cart and are acquainted (agreed) with these Rules, clicked on the button “Confirm“. Purchasing - Selling contract between the buyer and Implantacademy is considered done, when buyer receives Implantacademy manager's sent add for the preliminary payment and accomplish beforehand personally agreed beforehand personally agreed terms.
6. If buyer in 7 (seven) calendar days does not pay by given commercial offer by transfer, it is considered, that buyer refused the purchasing - selling contract (if it is not agreed separately).
7. You can choose and order item from the site's catalogue given items.
8. You, by using site's services, agree with these purchasing - selling contract rules and have to follow them.
9. In the site's registration or item's ordering form have to give comprehensive and right data. If your data has changed and we will not be informed about it, you will take any risk caused by it.
10. You answer for all your actions, done while using the site.
11. You commit not to sell your registration and login data for the third party. If you will lose login data, you have to inform Implantacademy immediately by email does not respond for the third party actions after used your login data until informing moment. In this case Implantacademy has a right to believe that actions were made by you.
12. Implantacademy does not respond for the third party actions, after used your banking system, they make purchasing - selling contract by using site's services.
13. In order to offer you best services in our site, we are asking to let us insert information (“cookies“) in your computer (device). Inserted information will be used to identify you, as previous user of the site, by collecting site's visiting statistics. You can preview anytime, what information (“cookies“) we are inserting, and you can delete a part of it or all inserted “cookies“. You also can not to agree that used information (“cookies“) would be inserted in your computer (device), but this way some functions of the site might be unavailable. Given agreement can be cancelled any time, by changing your internet browser's settings or by applying to us by using any of the given contacts in the site.
14. If while registering ir later is given false, inaccurate, wrong or not all asked data, or you are not following other responsibilities, given in these Rules, Implantacademy has a right to delete registration immediately and delete your data or restrict your right while using site's provided services. For given wrong data's consequences answer only you.
15. Implantacademy has a right to stop or dismiss your registration and use of the site's services without preliminary report, if there is a reason to believe you are pursuing not allowed activities or you are trying to damage e - shop's work and stabile operation differently.
16. Implantacademy commits to give all the conditions for you to use site's given services.
17. Implantacademy, when not foreseen circumstances are formed, by not being able to provide you ordered service, commits to suggest you analogical or similar service. If you will refuse to accept service analogue or if you will not settle differently, paid money will be returned in 5 work days.